(TheRedAlertNews.com) – A suspect with a history of firearms violations managed to detonate an explosive device inside a government building, injuring multiple people.
Specifically, on Wednesday morning, the Santa Barbara County Courthouse in Santa Maria, California, became the scene of a shocking attack that left at least six people injured.
See the video below.
The incident occurred shortly after 8:45 a.m. when 20-year-old Nathaniel McGuire, scheduled to appear in court for previous firearms violations, threw a backpack containing an improvised explosive device at security, which then exploded.
McGuire, who was wearing body armor at the time of the attack, was swiftly taken into custody by law enforcement. The suspect’s brazen act of violence raises serious questions about the effectiveness of current security protocols at government facilities, especially those dealing with potentially dangerous individuals.
The explosion, which took place in the first-floor lobby serving as the entryway and weapons screening point for the court campus, left five people hospitalized, three with physical injuries including burns.
Miraculously, none of the injuries were life-threatening, but the incident sparked widespread panic and led to the evacuation of the courthouse, nearby homes, and a school.
Undersheriff Bonner, stated, “Although this is an ongoing investigation and we are exploring all possible angles, at this point in time, we do believe this to be a local incident committed by a local individual with a local grievance stemming from his arrest.”
The suspect has been charged with attempted murder, using an explosive device in attempting to kill someone, and possession of explosive devices.
He is currently being held without bail, a measure that should have been taken when he was first arrested for carrying an unregistered concealed weapon.
While local authorities claim there is no larger threat to community safety, the FBI has opened a federal investigation.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking within our own communities, often stemming from individuals with a history of criminal behavior who are allowed to roam free due to lax enforcement of existing laws.
“We are not absolutely ruling out that there is not something larger at play but at this time we do believe that this is a local matter that has been safely resolved and there are no outstanding community safety concerns,” said Undersheriff Bonner, in what appears to be an attempt to quell public fears.
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