(TheRedAlertNews.com) – In the culmination of police operations going back to 2016, a white supremacist gang in California, the San Fernando Valley Peckerwoods face, has become the target of a large-scale law enforcement crackdown.
See video footage of the gang members’ arrests in the news report below!
Federal law enforcement tasked 42 members of the San Fernando Valley Peckerwoods street gang with a sweeping 76-count indictment.
This white supremacist gang finds itself accused of a range of serious crimes, from drug trafficking to fraudulent exploitation of COVID-19 relief resources.
Their alleged involvement in fentanyl distribution, along with widespread financial deception, marks yet another scar on our pursuit of justice, ABC News reports.
With the coordinated efforts of multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, DEA, and LAPD, the authorities aim to dismantle crime rings like these notorious haunts of the criminal underworld.
This includes seizing illegal firearms and narcotics, a step forward in protecting our families and neighborhoods from the harmful effects of their operations.
The scale of these indictments extends to 68 defendants facing charges under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, an aggressive legal stance indicating the gravity and extent of these accusations.
Aspects of their criminal agenda include racketeering, robbery, and bank fraud, a nefarious mixture that leaves California communities in peril.
“The Peckerwoods’ violent white-supremacist ideology and wide-ranging criminal activity pose a grave menace to our community,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada.
They exploited Nazi iconography to denote allegiance to such hateful rhetoric while establishing connections with the Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican Mafia, pushing these malignant ideologies further into society.
Their engagement in identity theft and misallocated loan funding further fuels public outcry against governmental overreach and misuse.
In the grand scheme, they face the threat of life imprisonment, a testament to the serious nature of their crimes.
The Justice Department’s establishment of the COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force signals a unified approach to pandemic-related crimes.
Los Angeles Police Department interim Chief Dominic Choi remarked on the travesty of gang-related crime.
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