Dems Splintering

( – In what would have been a laughable development had it not involved shameful stances by Congress members promoting anti-Semitism, the left is experiencing a massive internal conflict over US policy on Israel, with the GOP hitting the Democrats where it hurts to expose their rift.

Far-left radicals and Muslim activists have engaged in public displays of anti-Semitism and support for Islamist terrorist organizations, such as the Palestinian group Hamas, since October 7, when Hamas massacred over 1,400 people in Israel, and the Israelis launched a counterattack.

House Democrats are currently grappling with deep-seated divisions regarding their stance on Israel, which has led to significant internal discord within the caucus, The Hill reveals in a lengthy report.

This issue has strained relationships among long-time allies in the leftist party. Compounding these challenges, the Republican Party has been actively highlighting these rifts through various actions in the past week, including holding hearings on anti-semitism, bringing pro-Israel legislation to the floor, and organizing events with families affected by the Hamas attacks of October 7.

The Hill stresses that this situation presents a formidable task for House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and his leadership team as they seek to mitigate these tensions.

Veteran lawmaker Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), with over three decades in Congress, noted the unprecedented nature of the current hostility.

“We haven’t really seen the level of devastation that’s occurring right now. We’ve always had disputes; we’ve always had killings. But I’ve never seen it, in my tenure here, this bad,” the congressman admitted.

The debate around US policy towards the Middle East has long been a source of division among Democrats but this rift has deepened in recent years with the entry of a vocal group of radical left lawmakers, many of whom are women and minorities.

They have been critical of the Israeli government, particularly regarding its treatment of Palestinian Arabs.

Many Democrats, especially those from diverse urban districts, feel pressure from constituents with varying views on the issue.

“Tensions are high, emotions are really raw, and we’re trying to find space to have necessary conversations. Everyone wants to get to a place where there is peace,” said Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY), who represents a diverse Queens district.

A recent GOP resolution denouncing global anti-Semitism in the House saw 95 Democrats siding with the Republicans, 92 abstaining, and 13 voting against it.