RFK Jr. Announces Key Campaign Hire

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

(TheRedAlertNews.com) – In a bid to strengthen his 2024 presidential campaign, especially with Americans opposed to vaccines, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced the hiring of Del Bigtree, a leading anti-vaccine activist, as his communications director.

In a message to his supporters, Bigtree emphasized the need for donations and expressed his belief that Kennedy is bridging the gap between those who support censorship and those who hold opposing views, The Hill reports.

Kennedy, having shifted his political alignment from Democrat to independent in October, is well-known for his skepticism regarding vaccines.

He resigned from his position at the Children’s Health Defense organization, a leading anti-vaccine group in the nation, in April to pursue his presidential campaign.

Bigtree, the executive director of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), another major anti-vaccine organization in the US, was announced as the new communications director in a report first released by NBC News.

Kennedy gained significant attention during the COVID-19 pandemic due to his stance against vaccines.

While Kennedy maintains that he is not fundamentally anti-vaccine and has never directly advised the public against vaccination, according to The Associated Press, he has expressed beliefs in several unfounded claims.

These include the assertion that no vaccines are safe, the discredited theory linking vaccines to autism, and the encouragement of resistance to COVID-19 vaccinations for children.

In the letter announcing his appointment, Bigtree disseminated misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, describing it as the “greatest psychological operation” ever conducted by the “dark forces of medical tyranny.”

An unvaccinated individual, Bigtree criticized both former President Trump and President Biden for relying on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s guidance.

Bigtree expressed his enthusiasm about the new role, highlighting his past collaboration with Kennedy at Health Freedom conventions across America and labeling this position as his “greatest opportunity to date.”

He appealed to his supporters for campaign donations of $1,000, promising exclusive updates and plans to host open Zoom calls for what he refers to as his “Health Think Tank.”

The report notes Bigtree is also known for hosting The HighWire, an anti-vaccine podcast, and producing the 2016 documentary “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.”

Stefanie Spear, the former communications director for Kennedy’s campaign, confirmed in an email that her role was provisional until a suitable candidate was found.

She endorsed Bigtree as the ideal choice, citing his extensive experience, and said she remained RFK’s press secretary and director of media relations.