Illegals Will Vote In Presidential Election?!

( – In a distressing development for American patriots, the left might be much closer to achieving its goal of boosting the Democrat voter numbers by allowing the illegal immigrant invasion, as Arizona might let illegal aliens vote in the 2024 election, according to experts.

In one of the pivotal states for the presidential election in November, a significant gap in election protocols could allow non-citizens to vote in federal elections, specialists told The Daily Caller.

The Democrat Secretary of State of Arizona, Adrian Fontes, has implemented guidelines in the state’s Election Procedures Manual (EPM) that enable people, whose citizenship status is undetermined, to register as “federal-only” voters, thereby allowing them to participate in forthcoming elections.

“An otherwise eligible registrant who does not submit DPOC (proof of citizenship) and whose U.S. citizenship cannot be verified via AZMVD records or other records in the statewide voter registration database is registered as a ‘federal-only’ voter. A ‘federal-only’ voter is eligible to vote solely in races for federal office in Arizona (including the Presidential Preference Election (PPE)),” the manual specifies.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said he was worried Arizona’s dual system of voter registration might inadvertently facilitate illegal immigrants’ participation in elections.

“I think it’s absolutely a possibility because if you aren’t requiring proof of citizenship, you’re simply going on people’s word that, ‘Oh yeah, I’m a U.S. citizen,’ you’re going to get aliens who register and who vote,” von Spakovsky remarked.

He also highlighted a lack of enforcement by the Justice Department on this issue.

“The Justice Department, they don’t prosecute these cases, even though it’s a felony under federal law for an alien to register and vote,” he said while pointing out the potential misuse of voter registration cards as a form of ID for other purposes.

Ken Cuccinelli, former high-ranking official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and current national chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative (ETI), voiced similar worries.

“Adrian Fontes could have used his elections procedures manual to help close the decade-old loophole regarding non-citizen voting in Arizona elections. Instead, he made it even worse — allowing non-citizens and individuals who have failed to prove their U.S. citizenship to vote in the Presidential Preference Election in 2024,” Cuccinelli declared.

The Caller notes EPM’s guidelines are grounded in the 2013 Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, where Arizona’s law that required proof of citizenship for voter registration was invalidated.