Critical Alerts

Critical Alerts from The Red Alert News are short, straightforward news reports delivered to your email inbox on a regular basis. These reports are written specifically for quick reading so that you can get the news and continue your day without missing a beat.

Along with Political Points, Critical Alerts cover current national and global news, politics, the economy, and more. Grab your tablet or phone for on-the-go reading, or settle in at home when you’re ready to relax – we’ll be ready with the news you need.

DETAILS: Sheriff Guns Down Judge

( - In a startling incident in Kentucky, a sheriff fatally shot a district judge within his office after a brief altercation. The sheriff, identified...

CRAZY: Candidate Claimed To Be ‘Black Nazi’?!

( - In a nasty new attack on a high-profile Republican, leftist propaganda outlet CNN has made crazy claims GOP North Carolina Lt. Gov...

Congresswoman Receives SHOCKING Threat – Details Emerge!

( - In a new act endangering a high-profile Republican against the backdrop of the two recent assassination attempts against Donald Trump, US Rep....

NOW: The Fed Makes BIG Move

( - In a bold decision whose long-term effects harbor major unknowns, the Federal Reserve has implemented its initial interest rate reduction since the...

VIDEO: Melania’s Warning

( - In a striking development unfortunately proving that she was right, former First Lady Melania Trump issued a caution regarding the FBI just...

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