Critical Alerts

Critical Alerts from The Red Alert News are short, straightforward news reports delivered to your email inbox on a regular basis. These reports are written specifically for quick reading so that you can get the news and continue your day without missing a beat.

Along with Political Points, Critical Alerts cover current national and global news, politics, the economy, and more. Grab your tablet or phone for on-the-go reading, or settle in at home when you’re ready to relax – we’ll be ready with the news you need.

Missing Woman Mystery Solved

( - A striking discovery has allegedly resolved an 11-year-old mystery after a dive team has just announced it has discovered the body of...
Red light

Illegal Alien Bombshell News

( - In a move that will rightfully anger millions of hardworking, taxpaying Americans, on January 1st, California will start providing taxpayer-funded health insurance...
Police line

26 Pro-Terrorist Protesters Arrested in US (Video)

( - In a new disruption of public life in the United States, anti-Semitic supporters of Palestinian Islamist terrorists Hamas have blocked a road...

Netanyahu’s 3 Peace Conditions

( - In a bold proposal that many believe makes perfect sense, Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, has laid out three main conditions for ending...

8,000 Illegals Inbound

( - America’s illegal immigrant invasion is set for a dreadful new surge as the biggest migrant caravan in over a year has formed...

Israel Killed THIS Infamous Enemy!? (Video)

( - In a significant victory for vital US ally Israel, which, however, could escalate tremendously the tensions in the Middle East, the Israeli...

‘America’s Mayor’ Broke?!

( - In a development bringing shame to the entire nation, “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani, who took down the NY mafia and led the...

Texas Acts On Illegals

( - Keeping up its brave fight with President Joe Biden’s anti-American policies favoring invading illegal immigrants, the GOP-led state of Texas has started...

Former White House Lawyer’s Huge Prediction (Video)

( - In a prediction that bodes well for American patriots and conservatives, a former White House lawyer has forecasted the US Supreme Court...
Donald Trump

Trump Targeted

( - The left’s offensive to prevent Donald Trump from running in the 2024 presidential election is now in full swing in different states...

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